
Friday, May 17, 2013

Missing Fandoms...

Hello again my Fluffy Unicorns! :) 

I noticed that I didn't mention the other fandoms that I'm apart of. As I said before, I love Sherlock, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Downton Abbey. However, I have many, many, many, more fandoms that I am actively apart of. 

First and foremost, Lord of the Rings was my first fandom, and will always hold a special place in my heart. Literally. Therefore, I must share with you some of my random fangirling finds: 

I'm sorry, but that one gets me every. Single. Time! It might not be hilarious to all of you, but to me it's priceless. I mean Aragorn is really on top of things in general, and he's a ranger for crying out loud! If anyone's going to snatch up anyone else's stuff, it should be him

LOL! "Good bye, Sucker!" I'm seriously dying over here! Words cannot express how happy, giggly, nerdy, and completely crazy I am whenever I see this! I applaud the person that made this! 

Other missing fandom; The Hobbit. I love this movie. I am completely enthralled with Kili, Fili and Thorin. I also love the other ones too, but as I am not a full-time Hobbit fangirl, I only know the three I just named. Allow me to share some of my dragon's gold: 

"Nope"! I can't even. I have no words for this one. 

CAN WE PLEASE?? Look at how cool he looks? He's like an awesome strong guy, who I would not want to cross on anything. He just looks like he's ready to come barreling down on ya and crush you with his perfect mohawk! Another thing, what if they had pictures in Middle Earth and Dwalin's son pulled this one out. 
"Hey dad, nice hair!" 
"EXCUSE ME? That was all the rage back then!" 
Doubt that's how it would go, but... you get the message. 

One other fandom before I go to bed, Avengers. GAH! First off, anyone who says that Chris Hemsworth isn't completely to die for, is trying to sell you something. And, Chris Evan's is not married. I keep checking his status, and last I checked, he was single and happy. Hawkeye, fabulous. Natasha Romanoff, graceful, yet not graceful. Agent Coulsen. When he died, I died. Tony Stark (RDJ), hilarious. Bruce Banner, "a man with breath-taking anger management issues". To put it bluntly... Anyway, here's some of my top secret HYDRA weapons: 

That's just like placing a treat in front of a dog and then yanking it away just as the dog goes for a bite! I'm not saying in anyway that Chris Evan's in a dog, but you get the point. :) 

Literally, what I think of every. Single. Time. They're so small... no one's gonna miss them! ;) 

NOT ME!! :) I was obsessed with them the moment the lights went out in the theater. 

Okay, that's all the fandoms for now. Although I have quite a few. I just had to get these big ones off my chest. 

I gotta get some sleep... Maybe after this Sherlock episode...

God Bless,

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