
Friday, May 17, 2013


Hey Y'all! 

Welcome to my blog! I will be making a blog post every week (and hopefully more than that). I will mostly talk about my life, babysitting (which I do almost every week) my summer plans, and my "dreams". 

Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Regina, but I go by Nina (which my soon to be niece/nephew will be calling me). Music: I am a dedicated Directioner. But I pretty much like all music; Ed Sheeran, Kelly Clarkson, P!nk (depends on the song), Cher Lloyd, Little Mix (If you've never heard of them look up their song "Wings". It's amazing) Lady Antebellum, Taylor Swift (depends on the song too) and Two Steps From Hell. :) TV related things: I love Sherlock, Harry Potter, Doctor Who (Although I'm still working on the fourth season) and Downton Abbey. I'm kind of addicted to Pinterest. :) And smiley-faces. 

I seriously doubt you'll get bored reading my blog, but then I could be wrong... Just note that I am a very random girl, and I tend to do the craziest things without thinking about it until after. 

God Bless,